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Our bubble teas are made with only top-quality ingredients , including fresh fruits and loose leaf teas brewed daily in-house. Our menu offers a variety of authentic flavors from around the world to excite. Your palette and take you on a journey unmatched by any other café in the city.
娆 繋鏉ュ埌鍖椾含椋庤 娉板厠绉戞妧鏈夐檺鍏 徃锛岀珛瓒充腑鍥芥湰鍦熺殑椋庡姏鍙戠數鎶 鏈 挩璇 叕鍙搞 傛垜浠 仛闆嗕簡鍥藉唴鏈 鏈夌粡楠岀殑椋庢満鎶 鏈 洟闃燂紝涓轰腑鍥藉浗鍐呴 鏈哄埗閫犲巶鍟嗘彁渚涗笓涓氱殑椋庢満鎶 鏈 挩璇 湇鍔 紝甯 姪浼佷笟娑堝寲杩涘彛鎶 鏈 紝鎶婃彙甯傚満鏈轰細銆? 鎴戜滑鍙 互鎻愪緵鍖呮嫭濉旀灦缁撴瀯浼樺寲銆佹洿鎹 彾鐗囨垨濉旈珮绛変竴绯诲垪鐨勮 璁 紭鍖栨湇鍔 紝甯 姪浼佷笟婊 冻涓嶅悓椋庡満瀵归 鏈烘敼鍨嬬殑闇 姹傦紝鍚堢悊闄嶄綆鐢熶骇鎴愭湰锛屾彁楂樺競鍦虹珵浜夊姏銆? 鎴戜滑鍙 互鍒嗘瀽鍜岃 绠楅 鏈虹殑杩愯 鎯呭喌鍜岃浇鑽凤紝涓ユ牸鎸夌収鍥藉唴澶栨爣鍑嗚 瀹氳浇鑽峰伐鍐碉紝缂栧啓鐢ㄤ簬 GH Bladed 杞 欢鐨勫 閮ㄦ帶鍒剁 搴忥紝鎬荤粨椋庢満鏈嶅焦鏈熼棿鍐呭彲鑳介伃閬囩殑鏋侀檺杞借嵎鍜岀疮绉 殑鐤插姵杞借嵎锛屽苟涓旀挵鍐欑 鍚堣 璇佽 姹傜殑杞借嵎璁 畻鎶ュ憡銆? .
Sunday - 8 am - 4 pm. Nighttime roadway vision is dramatically improved after our Professional Restoration Process. Repairing instead of Replacing saves money and landfills. We help businesses keep their vehicles looking professional. To Schedule Your Appointment Online.
Including car, motorcycle, truck, e-Bike, etc. Including ATV, boat, snowmobile, etc. Although our firm is located in Windsor, Ontario, we assist injured parties throughout Southwestern Ontario, including London, Sarnia, Chatham, Tilbury, Leamington, Kingsville, Essex, Amherstburg, Harrow, Tecumseh and Lakeshore.
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Released June 3, 2016. Chapel Hill, North Carolina.